
Alyssa Wolber is a figurative artist residing outside of Indianapolis, IN. Watercolor is her primary medium utilizing a saturated palette by layering many veils of color. Art has been a woven thread throughout her life. Daughter to a cake artist and granddaughter to a carpenter, she has been surrounded by makers. Alyssa studied art in college, but shifted focus to receive a B.A. in Education. After nearly 15 years of her hands sitting idle, she felt the call to dust them off and rediscover her first love again - creating. Alyssa is best known for her engaging and vibrant watercolor portraits of children, and delves into themes of childhood and play. She explores the ordinary moments children experience and highlights the extraordinary often overlooked.

“Children never cease to fascinate me, and I adore their sense of wonder in discovering the world around them. Our youth see life with fresh eyes, and remind me to notice the textures, colors, and beauty we often take for granted as we age. My paintings are a place to reminisce what it was once like to be untethered.”

-Alyssa Wolber

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